Circulating apoptotic endothelial cell-derived microparticles are predicted metabolically unhealthy obesity
Endothelial cell-derived micro particles, Insulin resistance, Metabolically healthy obesity, Metabolically unhealthy obesityAbstract
Introduction: Circulating apoptotic endothelial cell-derived micro particles (EMPs) are a marker of endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular (CV) risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. There is evidence regarding association between apoptotic EMP number and CV disease in obese individuals. The aim of the study to investigate whether increased number of circulating apoptotic EMPs may predict transformation of Met-HO into Met-UHO.
Methods: The study was retrospectively evolved 89 patients with established abdominal obesity (47 patients with Met-UHO determined as MetS and 42 subjects with Met-HO) from the large cohort of abdominal obesity patients (n=268). Thirty five healthy volunteers matched for age and sex were involved in the study as a control cohort. Obesity-related biomarker (adiponectin, leptin, vistafin) and EMPs were measured at baseline. Flow cytometry was used to determine EMPs with immune phenotype CD31+/annexin V+ and CD144+/annexin V+.
Results: There was not found a significant difference between numbers of EMPs labeled CD31+/ Annexin V+ in Met-UHO and Met-HO patients, while Met-UHO patients had a significantly increased level of circulating CD144+/ Annexin V+ compared with Met-HO individuals. Multivariate logistic regression analysis has revealed the HOMA-IR, number of CV risk factors, serum leptin and hs-CRP independently predicted numbers of circulating CD31+/ Annexin V+ and CD144+/ Annexin V+ EMPs in Met-UHO. In Met-HO patients HOMA-IR remained an independent predictor of increased numbers of circulating CD31+/ Annexin V+ and CD144+/ Annexin V+ EMPs.
Conclusion: in the investigation we found that the increased number of CD31+/Annexin V+ and CD144+/ Annexin V+ EMPs added to the based predictive model (HOMA-IR) may predict transformation of Met-HO into Met-UHO.
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